Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 For my 70th birthday, a few months away, I went with my family of women to see the play SUFFS on Broadway, even Ella, who is not yet ten. It is a moment in history, when women acquired the right to vote, which I felt was important, especially during this historical juncture when women's rights are being taken away. I loved it (so did everyone), learned so much and was also inspired. These women fought for a woman's right be be treated as the equals that they are. They made Woodrow Wilson and Congress change the law, but it was not without a fight that included marches, rallies; hunger strikes and jail. They fought as the brave women they were and we all are--as women--brave and strong and not willing to be subjugated to a male's vision of what a woman should be. It made me feel we can fight again, to restore Roe V. Wade, equal pay--or any other fight which takes away our freedom.

There was a t-shirt being sold, based on a song, "Great American Bitch." Ella commented that I would wear that shirt, and now, as I think about it, I would. It is my fearlessness about my voice, and bravery I hope she, my daughters and all the young women in the world bring to the world: WE WILL FIGHT AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID.

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