I just got back from Portugal, where European tourists were eager to talk about our president, citing countless examples of his criminality. My husband and I agreed with them; yes, our president is a criminal and yes, we also can not understand 1. How this happened and 2.Why and how his party continues to stand by him. He is the laughing stock in other parts of the world; frankly, in parts of America, too, though his base continues to defend him. But yesterday's NYT says that, "Democracy is not possible without the rule of the law-the idea that consistent principles, rather than ruler's whim, govern society." But everything is a whim for this man; after he pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, the very next day he asked if he could renegotiate.
The fact is, clearly he does not understand the way government works, but even worse, he does not follow the rules and norms of government, which makes him both dangerous and scary. A buffoon we can laugh at, as people do, but he is worse:"He rejects the law-the judicial system, Congress, civic institutions and principled members of his administration." He lies. He tweets. He thinks this is a reality show and we want to watch his daily tirades.
Frankly, I hope people realize this is not a way to govern-I will decide what rules I have to follow, and take the necessary action. It seems like the time has come to say to him, "You are fired!"
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