Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I am a proud idealist. In my twenties, I was extraordinarily idealistic, going to marches, fighting for different causes, but then I had children, worked hard and grew complacent. I was just too busy.

Now, I feel on fire again. Working as a teacher with young people helps. They are on fire; they are motivated. They want to see a better world, and they are not often self-serving. I am a proud parent of children who are decent people. And I am finding myself caring about important causes in much the same way I did when I was younger. I am grateful to be married to a man who has worked in healthcare in an inner city hospital his whole life, one who feels Obamacare was as good as it could have been, considering how obstructionist the Republicans have been. He loved President Obama the way I did, and I feel he has grown increasingly more liberal with time.

I have wonderful friends and family, all of whom are liberal the way I am-and poised for the fight. Samantha, I have YOU to thank for the ferocity of your convictions and idealism; you daily make me a better person. When I ask my husband where Samantha came from, he answers, with pride, "from you!"  And this will be the fire that guides me. All of you, thank you; you are woven in my heart!

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