Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Jews and Muslims Breaking Bread

Ronit and Jamil, a book that states, "We build bridges; we dismantle walls" is alive and well in some parts of the world. Yesterday's New York Times (5/16/2017) reports that Jews and Muslims are "breaking bread" in dinners around Manhattan and Brooklyn to help build interfaith understanding. Lonnie Firestone, a modern Orthodox Jew and freelance writer, came up with the idea. She wanted to bring Jews and Muslims together in the spirit of friendship, something she felt was crucial in the post-Trump presidency. "When you have a natural affiliation, you can advocate together, and that is what happens when you share food." She hopes this will help to combat the anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. This is a way of creating a very important bond, and this is what my book is all about: PEACE!!!!

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