Wednesday, January 25, 2017


THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE was blasted at the Million Women Marches, all over the country. It includes all people--all races, all genders, all gender orientations, all religions--so many faces flooding the streets. Democracy is the voice to speak out against your insane tweets. Democracy is the resistance--the repeal of the Affordable Care Act;, climate change denial, threats to the pursuit of equality (racial, economic, gender), a general erosion of civility, modesty, nuance, logic. Democracy is the voice to say you can not play with facts, say you are draining the swamp and fill your cabinet members with filthy rich, corrupt billionaires, many of whom have no experience in government. Power, in the words of Frederick Douglas, concedes nothing without a demand.

Here are our demands, Mr. Trump. What are you going to do now?

1 comment:

  1. All true, Pam, and all vital to remember. But where do you start with a president who will bluff his way through a press meeting about Black history and take it on himself to praise Frederick Douglass, when he clearly does not grasp who the man was, what we owe him, or even when he lived? I think this is beyond humility, civility, logic or nuance. Truth value, as we would like it modeled to our young people by our highest officials, starts with knowing that you don't know something and making it a priority to find out.
